<aside> 💡 Intro: The Global South Alliance is composed of 13 member organizations from different countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. It was initiated in 2022, as a result of the engagement between partner organizations Aapti Institute, Data Privacy Brasil and Paradigm Initiative, which currently compose the GSA's Steering Committee. The GSA's work is mainly focused on unifying Global South NGOs dedicated to the advancement of digital rights.


Welcome to our Global South Alliance homepage!

Mission: Strengthening the GSA members in coordination for network engagement within international arenas, promoting mutual learning and the advancement of digital rights with a perspective from the Global South.

Vision: The work of the GSA is guided by two main goals: A. Challenging inequalities and asymmetries: coordinating our work on visa discrimination, how to protect ourselves against discrimination, helping each other on financial issues and governmental repression against the work of civil society; B. Raising our voices together: coordinating our work on international processes such as the Global Digital Compact and policy issues like digital public infrastructure, digital IDs, and data-driven public policies in the Global South.

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Consultation Papers 📑

             The Data Privacy Brazil Research Association (Brasil), Digital Rights Foundation, Paradigm Initiative, Pollicy and Research ICT Africa developed a position paper addressing some of the pressing issues for civil society in the field of digital rights. Read the contribution here!

         The Data Privacy Brazil Research Association (Brasil), Digital Rights Foundation, Paradigm Initiative, Pollicy and Research ICT Africa developed a position paper addressing some of the pressing issues for civil society in the field of digital rights. [**Read the contribution here!**](<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lp3D2kZo7WCnGxKEMVxVduP2JChQdZoo/view?usp=drive_link>)

                The Data Privacy Brazil Research Association (Brazil), Aapti Institute (India), Internet Bolivia (Bolivia), KICTANet (Kenya), and Paradigm Initiative (Nigeria), submitted a joint contribution on behalf of the Third Sector of the Global South to the UN Digital Global Compact. Read the contribution here!

            The Data Privacy Brazil Research Association (Brazil), Aapti Institute (India), Internet Bolivia (Bolivia), KICTANet (Kenya), and Paradigm Initiative (Nigeria), submitted a joint contribution on behalf of the Third Sector of the Global South to the UN Digital Global Compact. [**Read the contribution here!**](<https://www.dataprivacybr.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Southern-Alliance-for-the-Global-Digital-Compact.pdf>)

Meeting 👥

Networking events

Upcoming Events for Engagement ✏️


Latest Newsletter 📨


Photo Gallery

Presentation about Global South Alliance in DRIF April 2024

Presentation about Global South Alliance in DRIF April 2024

The Alliance keeps working at NetMundial+10, May 2024

The Alliance keeps working at NetMundial+10, May 2024


Global South Alliance Steering Committee at DRIF April 2024


Launching of the Datafication and Democracy Fund, São Paulo, November 2023

Digital Library

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The Digital Library is a project coordinated by the Steering Committee of the Global South Alliance, with the support of the National Endowment for Democracy, to document and systematize crucial resources contributed by member organizations. It is a project mainly focused on actively sharing resources produced by Global South NGOs that work with digital rights, organizing online materials such as podcasts, videos, and written documents, as well as promoting exchanges between organizations and fostering cooperation. We are in testing stage will be public soon. Coming soon!


About Members

Stay up to date with the most recent news, events, and more from our global south alliance member.

Organization Name Country Member Type Area of Action Working Agenda Social Media Website
Aapti Institute India Steering Committee Regional Examines lived experiences at the intersection of technology and society and generate insights for policy-making and technology development based on grounded research and analysis. https://twitter.com/aaptiinstitute , https://www.linkedin.com/company/aapti-institute/ https://aapti.in/
Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC) Argentina Member Regional Work for a more democratic and inclusive society that respects the fundamental rights of all people. https://www.linkedin.com/company/adcderechos , https://twitter.com/ADCderechos https://adc.org.ar/
Bolo Bhi Pakistan Member Regional Geared towards gender rights, government transparency, internet access, digital security and privacy. https://twitter.com/BoloBhi , https://www.linkedin.com/company/bolobhi https://bolobhi.org/
Center for Communication and Governance India Member Regional Ensure that Indian legal education establishments engage more meaningfully with information technology law and policy and seek to embed good governance and constitutional principles in this domain. https://twitter.com/CCGNLUD/ , https://www.linkedin.com/company/ccg-nlud/ https://ccgdelhi.org/
CIPESA Uganda Member Pan African Enable policy makers in the region to understand ICT policy issues, and for various stakeholders to use ICT to improve governance and livelihoods including the media fraternity. https://twitter.com/cipesaug , https://www.linkedin.com/company/collaboration-on-international-ict-policy-for-east-and-southern-africa-cipesa/ https://cipesa.org/
Data Privacy Brasil Brazil Steering Committee International An organization born from the union between a school and a civil association to promote a culture of data protection and digital rights in Brazil and around the world. https://twitter.com/DataPrivacyBr , https://www.linkedin.com/school/dataprivacybrasil/ https://www.dataprivacybr.org/
Derechos Digitales Chile Member Regional Protection and promotion of fundamental rights on the Internet; and to strengthen a freer culture, based on a balanced copyright that allows greater access to knowledge for all citizens in the digital environment. https://twitter.com/derechosdigital ,https://www.linkedin.com/company/derechos-digitales https://www.derechosdigitales.org/
Digital Rights Foundation Pakistan Member Regional Focus on ICTs to support Human Rights, democracy and digital governance and aim at empowering the community, especially women and girls through ICT education and positive development. https://www.linkedin.com/company/digital-rights-foundation/ , https://twitter.com/digitalrightsPK https://digitalrightsfoundation.pk/
Internet Bolivia Bolivia Member Regional Group of citizens who seek to defend digital rights in Bolivia. https://twitter.com/internetbo_org https://internetbolivia.org/
KICTANET Kenya Member Regional Multistakeholder think tank for Information and communications technology policy formulation whose work spans Stakeholder engagement, capacity building, research, and policy advocacy. https://twitter.com/kictanet , https://www.linkedin.com/company/kictanet/ https://www.kictanet.or.ke/
Paradigm Initiative Nigeria Steering Committee Pan African Social enterprise that builds an ICT-enabled support system and advocates digital rights in order to improve livelihoods for under-served youth https://twitter.com/paradigmhq , https://www.linkedin.com/company/paradigmhq/ https://paradigmhq.org/
POLLICY Uganda Member Pan African Aim to digitally transform government services across Africa through an information-centric approach and craft better life experiences by harnessing improved data. https://twitter.com/PollicyOrg , https://www.linkedin.com/company/pollicy/ https://pollicy.org/
Research ICT Africa South Africa Member Pan African Conducts public-interest research on the digital economy and society that responds to national, regional and continental needs. https://twitter.com/RIAnetwork , https://www.linkedin.com/company/research-ict-africa/ https://researchictafrica.net/


@2024 Global South Alliance